Every student is issued a Chromebook and a charger at the beginning of the school year. Parents must complete the Student Device Agreement and the Acceptable Use Policy in Skyward before being issued a device.
- Students are expected to take their Chromebooks home every evening and charge them overnight so they are ready for use the next day.
- Students are expected to use their Chromebooks ONLY for school-related work. They should not be using them for recreational purposes.
- When a student is issued their device, the student's name is written on a label on each Chromebook and charger. If a label peels off, the student should return to the library and ask Mrs. Proctor for a new label.
- If students have issues with their Chromebooks throughout the year, they should see Mrs. Proctor in the library for help.
- Students are expected to treat their devices with care. See below for district information about Chromebook damage.